15 Février 1839
2001-01-26 (US) • Drama, History • 114minutes • Play Trailer
In 1839, months after the British army has repressed the insurrection of the Patriots, hundreds of rebels rot in prison. The morning of February 14, Marie-Thomas Chevalier De Lorimier and Charles Hindelang learn that they will be hung in 24 hours, with three other comrades. While they await their hour of death the condemned spend time and consult with companions and loved ones as well as entrust to those their last wills. At dawn, the five Patriots find the courage to walk with dignity towards the scaffold, knowing that will they die in the name of a just causewww.tribute.ca
Cast • View all cast & crew

Luc Picard

François-Marie-Thomas Delorimier

Sylvie Drapeau

Henriette De Lorimier

Pierre Rivard

Guillaume Levesque

Thérèse Perreault

Sister Delorimier

Frédéric Gilles

Charles Hindelang

Mario Bard

Henri Brien

Yvon Barrette

Osias Primeau

Denis Trudel

Jacques Yelle

Luc Proulx

Simon Payeur

Stéphane Jacques

Jean-Baptiste Laberge








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