The White Buffalo
PG 1977-05-01 (US) • Western, Adventure, Action • 97minutes • Play Trailer
In this strange western version of Moby Dick, Wild Bill Hickok hunts a white buffalo he has seen in a dream. Hickok moves through a variety of uniquely authentic western locations - dim, filthy, makeshift taverns; freezing, slaughterhouse-like frontier towns and beautifully desolate high country - before improbably teaming up with a young Crazy Horse to pursue the creature.
Cast • View all cast & crew

Charles Bronson

Wild Bill Hickok/James Otis

Jack Warden

Charlie Zane

Will Sampson

Crazy Horse/Worm

Kim Novak

Poker Jenny Schermerhorn

Clint Walker

Whistling Jack Kileen

Stuart Whitman

Winifred Coxy

Slim Pickens

Abel Pickney

John Carradine

Amos Briggs

Cara Williams

Cassie Ollinger

Shay Duffin

Tim Brady








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